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2004-01-14 - 10:57 p.m.

There was a small horizontal line in front of the temperature reading today. A small horizontal line with huge implications. I don't even know what to do with small horizontal lines in front of temperature readings. Come to think of it, I don't know that I have ever experienced a small horizontal line before a temperature before, in the history of my illustrious 28 year career as a human being. The crazy thing was that although the temperature reading may have said -2 degrees, it (as the weatherman with the slicked back hair and cheesy smile informed me while I chowed down on my Peanut Butter Bumpers cereal this morning) actually felt like -20 degrees. We're talking below the freezing point of beer people (23-28 degrees)! Looks like I'll be drinking more wodka.

Yeah, so it's cold. I wear four layers on the top and three layers on the bottom in to work. My car chokes itself awake every morning when I turn the key. The exposed pipes in our building clank away during the night. It's ridiculous. What was I thinking moving out here?

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