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2004-01-03 - 2:04 a.m.

So I never write, I never call, I'm sorry people, I swear I meant to, life just gets in the way sometimes, and there is that three hour time difference between coasts...

I do manage to check my e-mail (though there are no messages, because, as I have noted above, I never write anyone so they don't write me back), but have not checked my voicemail in days-- that little envelope on the top of my phone's screen looks at me menacingly, yet I ignore it for a few more days. I know who it is anyway, my mother, my sisters, and J. There is a slim possibility that someone else has called me, but eventually they will call again. I should really check it, or at least answer my calls.

I have been really busy, though not as busy as J. I start a new job on Monday. I've been promoted, for the second time in 6 months (I am just a little puffed up peacock). Seriously, this company loves me for some strange reason I cannot fathom. When my HR manager pulled me into her office unexpectedly I honestly thought I was being fired or laid off. I was sure of it, but instead she said that the CEO thought I was perfect for this new position they were creating and did I want to take it. Being adventurous, I am taking this new job for which I have zero qualifications. My new official title is "p r e s s o f f i c e r." I get a cell phone, a laptop, an office (shared with a girl who seems to be rarely in), and a business trip to Seattle next month, but I do not get a shiny badge. Though they offered this to me in November, they only announced it to the company on Wednesday...meaning I had only one day (to be exact, a half day as we got off work at 1) to give my sizeable workload to someone else--impossible as she was actually on vacation. Additionally, I do not have a desk ready in my new office on Monday. And yes, my now old desk is a mess since we have been short staffed for 2 weeks and I have been running around trying to keep it together.

What can I do?

I am so happy I won't have a job title that includes the word "coordinator" anymore. In the last year my job titles have been "Login coordinator" (sometimes written as "log-in"),"editorial assistant," and just when I thought I was rid of the coordinator, I was promoted to "editorial coordinator" (which if you ask me is not that great of a title to give a supervisor as it gives me just enough work to make my life difficult, but ensures that my staff doesn't give care). I am also excited that phone calls that ring to my phone will be for me. Yes, I know you are all dying to know, what does this mean I actually do? To be honest, I am not entirely sure what I will do everyday, but this gist of it is that I will send press releases to the media and try to get them to write stories about articles appearing in our journals. All very scienc-y people, but I should make some contacts with the Washington Post, etc. Though it seems interesting, I am a little concerned that I will be bored as I have been so busy at work these last 6 months that it has flown by. The change of pace should be good for the New Year. I need a break from this pace, I feel fried.

Joe and I had a lovely New Year's Eve. After J got home from work, we went to dinner at Chez Henri, we had a lovely meal and only two mojitos a piece-- which were either remarkable strong or French portions are tiny or we are complete lightweights-- and proceeded to stumble home and be asleep before 11. So much for ringing in the New Year, but in a strange way it was our way of ringing out the old year in which burned us both out a bit.

New Year�s Resolutions:

#1: More Sleep, More Yoga, Less Taking Out Stress on Joe

#2: More Mojitos, Less Stumbling

#3: More Vacation Time, More Travel, Less Missing our Friend�s Weddings

I have a final project due in a week and a half and it�s killing me. I should be doing it now, but am procrastinating some more. I have had three weeks to do it, but was so burned out from work and previous week�s homework that I had to take some time off, plus it was Christmas and I had to shop�

#4: No More Extension Classes (what was I thinking??)

My sister A is now 7 months pregnant. She is enormous. She will get even bigger.

#5: Figure out how to knit baby things, or at least where to buy them.

Then there are the usual resolutions:

#6: The usual, i.e. call and write friends, eat better, workout, stick to a budget, file things, etc.

It is now 2 AM and I am breaking my first resolution and it�s only Jan 3rd. I am so predictable�

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